Saturday, 17 November 2012

Lots of Little Avon Lipsticks..

I don't know about you all but I have never really been the biggest one for buying lipsticks... I thought it wouldn't suit me, or it would look silly, or i may just look over the top. Although recently i have been buying them! After seeing in fashion magazines different colours, different lip balms, glosses and  new styles out i thought why not?! And now my opinion has changed totally! I wear them nearly every day! Here's a few to check out and see if anything would be good for you.

'Pink Holiday' Lipstick:- Avon

The above was a lipstick from the Avon 'Colour trend' collection. I had never tried the collection before so i thought what the heck! The specific colour and style i chose looks very trendy and up to date. I really liked the colour pink and as i hadn't ever tried pink lipstick before i thought i may as well try it. 
The lipstick looks lovely. It isn't too much but isn't anything at all. The 'Colour trend' lipstick is easily applied and looks very nice and fresh when put on. I would most certainly recommend the above lipstick to everyone. It looks fresh and a cute girly colour :) and will go with many outfits. It could be used in the day or evening! So would be out to great use. Even if you have dry lips (like i have) it still looks as normal as anyone's! So its a big plus. 

Here is another review for a lipstick in which is another product from Avon. 

'Rosey Gold' Lipstick:- Avon

This lipstick was easy to apply. Its quite shiny and very glitzy! So if you girls are after a great lipstick for a night out then definitely choose this one! It will make your lips looks great.  I noticed when applying it helps plump them out a bit in which is always a good thing!  Its a lovely colour although it would only be suitable with certain coloured outfits. Its a cheap and cheerful lipstick so i would definitely put this on your list of products to buy! 

Have any of you tried these?

I will be posting more reviews about lipsticks soon so keep checking out my blog :)

Love Alice <3


  1. Yes course :) and aww thanks sweetie. Follow me and i will back :)

  2. It looks great on you! I know what you mean, I was like that too with red shades but then all of the sudden they don't look too bad LOL!


  3. looks great on you, will give this product a try.
    hi lets follow each other, i always follow back
