Tuesday 6 November 2012

Barry M Nail Polish's

Well me myself I love nail painting. I have done many designs using many different brands of nail polish’s . I have used from L'Oreal to Rimmel London and all i have different reviews on. 

I recently had noticed that Barry M had brought out a new selection in their patch in shops. They had brought one out called 'Gelly'  Ultra Shine Nail Polish.

I have stocked up on the selection below. In my opinion these Gelly Nail Varnish's are a lot smoother and are a lot thicker than the normal Barry M nail varnish's. They paint on a lot easier, dry quicker and do what they say on the tin in which is show ultra shine!. They only have a limited selection in store  but they are gorgeous colours as you can see. They are roughly the same prices as normal Barry M Nail Varnishes although this selection only needs one coat unlike other brands and selections. I would most certainly recommend these to people who love Nail Painting. The are a bargain buy and look stunning when on, if your cleaning the dishes to even going for a night out. And they seem to not chip as easily as other nail polishes on the market. (Always do a top coat too to give it that extra strength). Please try and tell me what you think :)

I have also seen a wider range of nail shimmers/sparkles out on the market. They can be to put over a normal colour to add some sparks or just on its own to keep your nails simple but sexy. I have tried out three of the new Barry M nail glitter polishes
They come in multiple shades and colours.

The nail glitter looks lovely when its on and it helps thicken the nail polish underneath so it last a lot longer. The only down side to wearing Nail Glitter is when trying to take it off it take's longer than just taking off normal nail polish. So you would have to soak your nails in nail varnish remover then scrub! I love nail design and making my nails look prettier or just a bit different. It doesn't take that much time and it inspires other people to do their nails differently. So i would most certainly recommend the above Nail Polishes. They look lovely and just add a bit of sparkle to your day.
Has anyone tried any of these?

Love Alice <3



  1. Oh my gosh I can't believe how many of these you have!! I really want the pink one :)
    Love Holly x

  2. The glitter polishes are gorgeous!

  3. :) Thankyou for the comment. I would definitely recommend them :)

  4. Beautiful products! And I love that ROSE! I found you at sprinkleofglitter and I-m following you from Rome.

  5. I would love to try the glitter colours ... they look so pretty! :)

  6. Thank you:) Definitely try them!! and tell me what you think!

  7. Hey there, thanks for visiting my blog, now following you! I was thinking of trying the Barry M Gelly nail polish, xoxo. http://pureenlightenedbeauty.blogspot.co.uk/
